Андрей Смирнов
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In the diamond scene in Season 3, Episode 1, you can ask Cherry two questions.

  • Why are you at odds with your brother? Cherry’s smile faded. He explains twins are different in terms of personality. He goes on to say his brother was the favorite straight-A student. Even though, everyone loved him as well nobody took him seriously because he was always joking around. So every time he tried to prove his worth, his attempts were laughed at. His family thought he was trying to follow in his twin’s footsteps and tells him he wasn’t a smart as his twin Ethan. The more Ethan was praised, the more Cherry doubted himself. 
  • Why did you become a Black Dragon? He left home when he was sixteen and started stealing. He hated the life he had until he met Aaron. The Dragons became his family. He felt like he belonged since they chose the low-life path too, just like him. He would have been in jail by now if it wasn’t for the Dragons. He then goes on to state he will eventually end up in jail because of them.
  • I don’t have any questions for you. He is surprised and says he was ready for some harsh interrogation. You manage to share a laugh even as your smiles faded you didn’t break eye contact.

Interactions with Cherry

S3 Ep. 1:

Like it. Prompt: Your relationship has improved with Cherry ️

Stay with Cherry. (33) Prompt: Your relationship has improved with Cherry ️

S3 Ep. 4:

  • He stole the painting but had nothing to do with the killing. Prompt: Your relationship with Cherry has improved ️
  • I want to ask him what happened. 
  • Please tell me what happened!
  • Please give us some more time! (21) Prompt: Your relationship with Cherry has improved ️ (If you romanced John previously you will see a glimpse of him while you and Cherry have a heartfelt moment which makes you sad saying you can’t lose anyone else. He tells you, you won’t and gifts his Black Dragon coin for you to keep until he gets out.)
  • (Try to fall asleep.) — Nothing

S3 Ep. 7:

If Cherry doesn’t mind. (20) Prompt: Your relationship with Cherry has improved ️ He drives you to the station and tells you he will miss you. He then says don’t let any boys try to take advantage of you before stroking your hair. You looked up at him and your lips touched, either by accident or on purpose. Once he leaves, you try to tell yourself it was a friendly goodbye kiss nothing more.

S3, Ep. 9:

  • Stay with you. (Depending on your relationship it can be a kiss)
  • I’ve missed you. (Gives Continuation)
  • I want you. (31) Sex Scene. Prompt: You and Cherry are now a couple. (Possible cheating scene if you are with Michael or Stephanie. Prompt: You chose Cherry over them. You’ll lose -1 image )


Cherry used to be a shy and timorous kid. Once he got beaten by senior students, and he cried in front of everyone. Then his brother stood up for him and got beaten even harder. When their parents saw them covered in blood, they freaked out, but he told them it was cherry, not blood. So, his nickname caught on. He felt like he was at fault and promised himself he’d never let anyone hurt him or Ethan again. Something broke down in him to become even stronger.

He will later say, he and his twin are different in terms of personality. His brother was a straight-A student that everybody loved and no one took him seriously because he was always joking around so he could never prove his worth. The more Ethan was praised, the more Cherry doubted himself.

When he was 16 he ran away from home and start stealing. He hated the life he had until he met Aaron who caught him stealing. He made Cherry return the watch before recruiting him. He felt like family among the Dragons because they other chose the path of being a low-life too. He also admits that he would be in jail if it wasn’t for the gang but who knows what the future holds. He goes on to state that he will eventually end up in jail because of them.

Inside the black dragons den, he has his own business he runs in it a casino which he invested a lot in. He comes off as flirty and over time can fall in love with Sarah. He also has a twin brother who works as a guide.

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